Podcasting for Add3

From equipment to distribution, we brought Add3's vision to life
Add3 Seattle Marketing Agency Office

What they wanted

Seattle based marketing agency Add3 were identifying new ways to connect to their target audience and raise brand awareness, and they felt that a podcast was the way to do it – however, they just didn’t quite know where to start. After CMO Brian appeared on Adam’s Once A DJ Podcast however, it was apparent that there was a solution just over the other side of the Atlantic.

What we did

Add3 knew that sound quality was an important part of the process for them (something which is often overlooked in podcasting), and so Remote-CTRL’s input started with specing out equipment and advising on distribution before even recording. And then a bespoke, hybrid approach was developed so that people in the same room as each other could be recorded remotely (which isn’t offered as an out-the-box option on cloud-based recording software).
Man recording remote podcast using good quality microphone

How it went

The result for Add3 was a high quality podcast which their team have enjoyed getting involved with. It’s brought them closer to potential clients and into people’s minds as true experts in the rapidly changing disciplines and technologies around digital marketing. It’s really increased their cache, and also they’ve seen a 20% increase in LinkedIn followers since starting the project.
Adam and his team have been brilliant from the start of this process – their guidance and expertise really show in the quality of the episodes we’ve produced. And at no point has the 8 hour time difference been an issue!
Brian Rauschenbach, CMO, Add3

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